Wasp Problem?
Find out how to get rid of wasps on your property
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Signs of a wasp problem? Contact your local Prokill expert, call us on 0800 328 9354 or Contact Us Online
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Protect your home and your family from painful stings thanks to your local Prokill professionals. We are experienced in getting rid of wasp nests and wasp populations in homes just like yours. We can also help ensure that a wasp problem doesn’t threaten your staff or your customers with a fast and effective wasp treatment. We are local to you, and we offer a range of control and prevention methods to suit your family life or business.
To ensure you are dealing with your problem with wasps quickly and effectively we recommend you contact us as soon as possible, we will guarantee that you receive the following service to deal with your ant infestation and eradicate the issue.
Wasps are seasonal pest insects, with their queen emerging from hibernation in spring, rapidly start building the nest and the wasp queen lays her first eggs. Nests are often excavated in dry soil or built in roof gaps. Although recent years have seen wasps becoming active in early April or May, the first worker wasps usually emerge in early summer months, usually in June.
Autumn is mainly the mating season between the males and queens and sees the social degeneration of the nest, as the workers may not return. During the cold season, the queen hibernates and all the males and worker wasps die. The complex nest is made redundant and never re-used, although it has been known for an adjacent nest to be built, so extra attention should be paid when removing old nests, especially during active seasons.
What can you do? How can you prevent a swarm of Wasps making themselves at home on your property?
Your local Prokill Professional will provide you with advice like this and more in your FREE Prokill Pest Audit, as well as creating a comprehensive control plan that is specific to your problem and environment. Contact us to book yours today!
The Common Wasp
The most direct method of treating wasps is to destroy the nest; often an easy task for the trained pest control professionals, when they can be located/reached.
When confronted with commercial / Industrial wasp problem when the nest cannot be located, the wasp population can be reduced by the use of professional traps.
Insecticidal baits are placed to intercept the wasp on its way to and from the feeding site. These traps will catch adult wasps before they become an annoying pest. Wasp traps work very well in pub gardens, picnic area and other external eating areas.
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