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Moles are mammals, adapted to subterranean lifestyle and classified as insectivores. Their main diet consists of live earthworms, beetles, ants, grubs and other insect larvae. Moles generally eat in excess of their own weight in food every day. Moles become major pests when they destroy lawns, golf courses, and parks with unsightly burrows and earth mounds. As well as disturbing or removing the root systems of many plants and creating underground travel lanes for other small mammals (most notably the mouse), moles cause hazard underfoot on sports / playing fields, and in paddocks and fields. Moles have frequently caused broken or sprained limbs on horses and domestic animals.
Moles have a small pointed snout, nearly invisible eyes and ears and large paws used for digging. For the most part they live in seclusion in underground burrows, rarely coming to the surface. Moles are solitary animals and the situations where more than 2 or 3 moles tend will occupy the same burrow system are very rare. Each year a mole can give birth to one litter of up to six young. Gestation is very short, only lasting for five weeks, and litters are produced any time from mid-April through to June.
These mammals are fast prolific diggers, being able to achieve a rate of 12 to 15 feet per hour, and build an extensive network of tunnels. It may seem that many moles are occupying an area, however most often, it is the result of one mole’s activity. Moles dig elaborate tunnel systems and have feeding runways just beneath the grass, with the ridge being elevated and easily visible. The tunnel system will have many yards of travelling tunnels within several inches of the ground surface. As the weather cools, moles will retreat into their deeper tunnels up to five feet beneath the surface.
Garden Moles
(European Moles)
101 old wives tales and farmers’ stories exist for the treatment and prevention of moles which range from urine, moth balls, and creosote deterrents, to vibration and ultra-sonic machines.
Effective mole control and prevention can be achieved by capturing the animal and when properly used, provides the simplest and most effective method of pest removal. For trapping to succeed, it is vital to select a frequently used tunnel. Experience helps greatly, however, and it is both extremely time consuming and costly if undertaken by a contractor.
The Prokill pest control technicians utilise licensed fumigants which are extremely effective in the control of moles. These methods, combined with knowledge of breeding and living habits, which help in determining when and where to treat, will result not just in control but also prevention of future mole infestations. Mole prevention can only be undertaken by specifically trained pest control experts and is subject to site risk assessments and method statements.
You can take the Prokill Free Pest Risk Audit and avoid penalties generated by infringements to health and safety guidelines and legislation. Contact your local Prokill pest control expert now!
There are many tales and theories about Mole prevention but the reality is that many do more harm than good.
It is important that these problems are dealt with according to the relevant legislation by professional pest control technicians.
Call your local Prokill expert for a fast and friendly response to a Mole problem in your home or business.
Your local Prokill Professional will provide you with advice like this and more in your FREE Prokill Pest Audit, as well as creating a comprehensive control plan that is specific to your problem and environment. Contact us to book yours today!
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