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Wildlife Control
Spotted the signs of a bird problem? Contact your local Prokill expert, call us on 0800 328 9354 or Contact Us Online
Every Prokill technician is a highly trained and certificated pest controller
Local service, with teams across the UK you are never far from a Prokill technician
Responsible use of effective treatments in line with CRRU
We are specialists in pest control and how to get rid of seagulls and gulls in and around your home or business. With a team of local and regional pest control experts around the UK and Ireland we provide a personal and discreet service. We guarantee safe seagull removal from all types of buildings, including garages, warehouses and historical buildings and monuments. We also provide preventative methods to ensure your seagull problem is a thing of the past.
To ensure you are dealing with your problem with gulls quickly and effectively we recommend you contact us as soon as possible, we will guarantee that you receive the following service to deal with your ant infestation and eradicate the issue.
Unlike many other pest bird species, gulls present pest controllers with two very different and severe challenges. Firstly, gulls do not settle in a single centre of activity, they are highly adaptable and can often make a round trip of 100km in search of food in a matter of hours. Secondly, they are considerably more intelligent than most pest birds and despite the best efforts of some professionals to prevent or remove seagulls or gulls, colonies have continued to expand.
How can you prevent a flock of Gulls making themselves at home on your property? If you’re struggling with a persistent seagull or gull problem at your home or business, contact a Prokill expert for a professional and effective solution.
Your local Prokill Professional will provide you with advice like this and more in your FREE Prokill Pest Audit, as well as creating a comprehensive control plan that is specific to your problem and environment. Contact us to book yours today!
Our local technicians are experienced in providing a range of seagull removal and gull deterrent solutions to combat nuisance gulls in and around homes and businesses. Using certified Pest Control methods, we can treat high-density gull populations quickly and effectively starting with a FREE Prokill Gull Control Audit.
Seagull problem? Can be more than just their presence.
Several recent studies have shown that gulls carry disease organisms which cause food poisoning in humans and spread them in the environment. Organisms such as Salmonella spp, vibrio cholerae spp, listeria spp, Escherichia coli are routinely carried by Gulls and distributed by way of their faeces. In 2003 an E-Coli outbreak caused the death of 20 elderly people in Scotland and the situation was caused by gulls contaminating water sources with both Salmonella spp. and E-Coli 0157.
This aggressive behaviour, especially during summer time: July and August is now widely publicised, and their nesting and breeding habits can cause severe problems on buildings for all sectors of the community, due to extreme noise, especially during courtship and chick rearing, and blocking down-pipes and gutters with their alarmingly large amounts of excrement.
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