Moths love warm, dark and undisturbed areas. They also can’t get enough of fabrics, especially expensive ones such as cashmere and silk. A combination of these factors makes wardrobes a very attractive prospect for these pests.
The last thing you want is moths eating your beloved garments so below we share what to do if you’ve had an outbreak and how to prevent one from happening in the first place.
Deep clean your wardrobe
Few of us think to give our wardrobe a thorough clean but it’s one of the best ways to avoid and prevent moths. As we mentioned earlier, these insects love quiet spaces and the wardrobe is somewhere they can go undetected for months.
Remove everything, vacuum corners, clean out drawers and wipe down any surfaces with a cloth soaked in detergent to kill of any larvae. It’s a good idea to do this regularly so you can spot any signs of moths before they damage your clothes.
If you already have an outbreak, wash or dry clean your clothes or upholstery if you have a linen cupboard. Another great tip is to put clothes in plastic bags and freeze them for 48 hours. Sub-zero temperatures kill larvae but ensure you do use a plastic bag as this will prevent condensation build-up.
Wash your clothes
Moths love to feast on human sweat and food particles so try not to put any dirty clothes in your wardrobe. This is especially the case if you’re going to be storing items for a while (such as summer clothes in the winter and vice versa).
Store knitwear in bags
Summer is (hopefully) just around the corner which means it’s finally time to put away those winter garments. Moths love knitwear so store yours in zip-lock bags and line them with anti-moth paper strips. You can also line your drawers with anti-moth paper and lay down cedarwood sticks which are known to deter moths. Cedarwood hangers also work very well and will help to keep your wardrobe nice and tidy too.
Don’t store clothes in plastic bags
You may think you’re doing a good thing by keeping your garments in the plastic bag you get from the dry cleaner but it can actually be detrimental. Plastic attracts dust and moths love dust (which is another reason to regularly clean your wardrobe).
Conduct regular checks
Chances are you’ve never carried out a thorough check of your wardrobe and this is why people often don’t realise they have a moth infestation until significant damage has been caused.
Regularly check clothes and linen for holes, keep your room well ventilated as the temperature starts to rise (moths love the warmth) and regularly air out your wardrobes. Another great tip is to keep a natural oil diffuser in your wardrobe. It will leave your garments smelling great and it will help to keep moths away.
Call pest control
The quickest and most effective way to knock any infestation on the head is to call pest control. As well as eliminating the problem safely and effectively, they can pass on valuable advice to prevent further outbreaks.
To arrange a free, no obligation quotation to get rid of moths with Prokill, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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