Whether it’s rats, mice, cockroaches, flies, beetles or ants, nobody wants the horrible task of dealing with pests. As unpleasant as it may be to face up to the situation, pest infestations should be dealt with...
From managing staff and keeping customers happy to marketing and building a great reputation for yourself, there’s so much to think about when running a business. With all of this on your plate, chances are that...
From managing staff and keeping on top of your finances to executing your latest marketing campaign and ensuring you’re complying with the latest industry regulations, running a business certainly keeps you busy. While we’re all familiar...
The last thing any business wants to face is a rodent infestation. As well as being incredibly unsettling for your employees, if word gets out, it could also be disastrous to your reputation. Whether you’re running...
While many of us deliberately attract birds to our gardens with feeders and baths, there are some we’d rather avoid. The likes of gulls and pigeons are classified as pests and there’s good reason for this....
You may think that you’re safe from rodents during the winter months but sadly, this isn’t the case. Just like humans, rats and mice seek warmth and shelter as the temperature drops which means that they’re...
With an estimated 18 million pigeons in the UK, it certainly isn’t unusual to encounter flocks of them. While some people are pretty indifferent towards pigeons, there’s a reason why these birds are classified as pests. ...
With wasp nests capable of housing thousands of these stinging insects at a time, it’s not surprising that a wasp infestation can be somewhat unnerving. Whether you’ve located a nest or seem to be batting away...
Once you’ve got over the initial panic of seeing a mouse scurrying around your home or office, you’re probably going to start wondering how many more of them are lurking around. Does just one mouse mean...
Naturally, the pharmaceutical industry is faced with stringent sanitation requirements which means that there’s a zero tolerance policy towards pests. This includes: Flying insects– these pests pose the greatest risk to pharmaceutical facilities. The most common...