You may think that house flies are nothing more than a nuisance but they can be very problematic. Below we share why infestations should be taken seriously and what you can do about them. Flies can...
Ants tend to gather in very high numbers and can, therefore, be incredibly difficult to get rid of. If you do find yourself faced with an ant infestation, you may be wondering, how can you get...
Although cockroach infestations aren’t as common as they are in some countries, the UK is home to three common cockroach species. In the right conditions, cockroaches can make their way into homes, restaurants and commercial and...
Ant infestations are common in the UK and we’re especially likely to see ants in our homes and gardens during the summer months. If you have ever seen an ants’ nest, you will be well aware that...
Nobody wants to face a cockroach infestation. This is especially the case if you’re running a business thanks to the damage cockroaches can cause. Cockroaches can very easily damage your reputation (probably beyond repair if you’re...
It’s safe to say that summer has officially arrived in the UK. While the temperatures may be scorching and the days nice and long, unfortunately, with this comes the presence of flies. Aside from being annoying,...